AGM| Date: 21-03-2024 | Time: 5 pm | Venue: Manovikas, Delhi/Zoom
Manovikas Family! Manovikas Family!
Building Relationships and Empowering Individuals to Reach their Full Potential

Dear Sir/Madam,

Manovikas Charitable Society works for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their community. Our unwavering commitment to providing care, education, mental health support, and spiritual guidance is a testament to our dedication to improving lives. At Manovikas, we take great pride in being known as the Manovikas Family, where diversity is celebrated and respect is always upheld. Together, we strive to create a warm and welcoming environment that promotes honour and dignity for all.

Since 1997, we have been dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of governance and the principles of voluntary organizations. We collaborate closely with our partners to support stakeholders and promote positive social change. We are proud of our extensive network of self-advocates, students, staff, volunteers, supporters, and general members.

We invite you to attend our Annual General Body Meeting on March 21, 2024, at 5 p.m. This will be an excellent opportunity for our members to actively participate and engage in stimulating conversations. Please pre-register using Click Here.

Meeting Agenda:

  1. Presentation of the Annual Report.
  2. Introduction of Governing Board Members.
  3. Discussion of Strategies for 2025.

We welcome any creative ideas our board members may have and hope to have a productive meeting.

Who's Eligible to Join:

  • Registered General Body Members and Advisors as per our bylaws.
  • Past and Present Governing Members as per the list available on our website.
  • Patrons, philanthropists, donors, and funding partners of Manovikas.
  • Manbhvan Mitra Mandali (Self-Advocates with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities).
  • Manovikas Family Network Members, including parents, family members, carers, teachers, staff, volunteers, and supporters.
  • Students enrolled in any program at Manovikas.

Voting Eligibility:

To vote on the agenda, you must be a General Body Member with either a Life Membership or an Annual Membership. The Manager of Governance can provide a list of eligible voting members. 

If you wish to apply for membership, please click the below button.


We want to extend our warm regards and invite you to attend the Annual General Body Meeting.

Date and Time: Thursday, March 21, 2024, at 5 p.m. IST


Manovikas Charitable Society

60 A Radheypuri Extension-1, Swami Dayanand Marg



 For easy directions, please use the Google Maps link:

You can also participate in the event virtually through the Zoom Meeting link:

Please pre-register for the meeting's logistics so that we can ensure everything runs smoothly. Upon completing your registration, you will receive the Zoom link.

I appreciate your cooperation.

Manovikas Charitable Society
60A Radhey Puri-I, Delhi - 110051, INDIA
@manovikas 2024