
If you would like to support the goals of the Manovikas Charitable Society, you can become a member by following their rules. Regardless of nationality, anyone can apply for membership, but the Governing Body must approve the application. You must pay the fees set by the Society to join. You may be removed from the membership list if you don’t pay your fees. 

There are three types of membership: 

  1. Honorary Membership for distinguished individuals costs Rs 1,00,000/- above;
  2. Life Membership costs Rs 10000/-, and 
  3. Annual Membership costs Rs 2000/-. 

Members participating in programs established by the Governing Body can enjoy benefits such as voting in meetings and viewing records with permission. 

You can resign from your membership by submitting a written request. 

However, you may be expelled if you don’t pay your dues and don’t give notice for three consecutive meetings. 

If you are expelled, you can ask the General Body to reconsider your case, but their decision is final.

Benefits of Membership of the Manovikas Charitable Society:

  • As a member of our society, you can vote and hold office.
  • Additionally, you’ll enjoy reduced registration fees for conferences and early access to event information. 
  • You’ll also be able to participate in General Body meetings and committees and receive a membership certificate, ID card, and logo/badge.
  • Moreover, you can take advantage of our mentoring opportunities, volunteering roles, and working group participation. 
  • As a member, you’ll have access to a wealth of resources and a magazine/journal publication focused on cutting-edge topics.