Ready to join Think College programme?

Let’s do this!

(And if you have any questions for the Manovikas Institute for Higher Education (MIHE) staff or our Experts, let us know through Facebook, What’sapp, and Mobile etc.)

Step 1: Know the Think College Programme and its timeline for admission at MIHE.

For July Session: Admission start from April 15 to June 15

For January Session: Admission time line from October 15 to December 15

Step 2: Consider your programme options of Bachelor Degree, Diploma or Certificate and other academic or skill training.

Programmes aren’t the tuff for any students, all programme have career-building options.

We promise….

What do you excel at in and out of the classroom, and more importantly, do you actually enjoy it?

Students shouldn’t choose their major solely based on “what they might have been told they ‘are good at,’” please go through the your interest and choice. Your parents or family members are best in supported decision-making about your career design. We will help them to understand your choice so that you shouldn’t feel pressured to complete the programme.

Step 3: Apply online or write us brief information about yourself.

On the website www.manovikas.co.in or through email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..n">This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..n or on What’sapp message on 9891807772, send the information the programme you are interested to join, your name, age, qualification if any, disability, mobile no. email ID.

Apply Online

Step 4: Make a list of all the things you want and need in a college

Why do you want to go to college? What do you hope to find when you get there? What do you need to succeed in college and after you graduate? You need to ask yourself these questions (and more) so you know what to look for in a college.

Instead of asking “Where do I want to go to college?” it might be simpler to start by thinking about your own personal values, your activities and interests, your character and friendships, and your likes and dislikes in general.

Step 5: Join the basic interview and admission counseling session.

MIHE Admission In-charge will inform you the date and time of your interview with Admission Counsellor. You can attain it personally or along with your parents or family members. The interview is only to understand your choice, strength, and needs. The Admission Counsellor will make a plan for your admission.

If required, to understand the condition of disability in details, you may be called for assessment of Cognitive Process, Behavioural Profile, or Multiple Intelligence Test.

Some times you have to prepare for the basic tests, you need to take and/or get to know what are test criteria or relevant topics to be asked in the test. The standardized tests that most MIHE programme require. But if you view the tests as obstacles to be overcome or barriers to admission, your performance may reflect your perception.

Step 6: Select the Academic Programme that fit your criteria and ready for College Admission.

Now that you have a good idea of what you want from your future career, you can actually start looking for it! Keep ready your documents ready and Fees, and visit the Admission Counsellor with prior appointment for admission.

List of documents and programme fees are specified in the admission application form.  

Step 7: Begin the financial aid process

Remember how we weren't going to worry about college costs just yet? Well, it's about time that we did.  After you receive your acceptance letters, it’s the perfect time to pull out those lists of scholarship and financial aid awards and apply for it. The admission Counsellor has available details about financial aid process so do keep in touch with them.    

Apply Online

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