Think College Project offers services for students with disabilities.

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Are you struggling to help your son or daughter with special needs transition into college? 

As much as you want them to have a quality, inclusive higher education, you worry about how they will handle the load and be accepted in a new environment. On top of that, there are countless paperwork and financial aid applications to get through. 

You are not alone. Every year, many families share their struggles and fear regarding a successful transition into college when faced with a disability. The Think College Project is here – to provide necessary support services for students with disabilities seeking a viable path to higher education. 

From helping you source for scholarships and grants to guiding you through college entrance exams, our team of experts is ready to provide all the assistance you need. Any worries about accommodation or providing appropriate learning materials can also be addressed as we offer personalised service tailored just for your family. 

With our assistance, the transition into college becomes manageable and stress-free – leaving more time for focusing on the essential things such as planning out study schedules or honing in on social skills. 

Now that you know more about us, why allow us to help make this life-transforming journey easier? 

All it takes is one click! Go ahead and sign up today so we can start working together towards achieving success in higher education!

Think College teams receive registration data and provide strength-based management to help students with disabilities gain admission to inclusive higher education.

Are you worried about your child’s future in higher education?

Does navigating complex admission procedures create a considerable hurdle for your child with disabilities? 

You are not alone. Thousands of parents struggle to help their children with special needs gain admission to college and university every year. They often need more information or resources, leaving students and parents frustrated and helpless.

With Think College Project, we are here to help! 

Our strength-based management will simplify the registration process for students with disabilities while advising on how best to present yourself before admission interviews or assessments.

We will also provide detailed reports on what kind of colleges and universities may suit these students. All this is easy when you choose us! 

With our assistance, you can eliminate the uncertainty of the future and gain peace of mind that all necessary steps for successful college admissions have been taken care of! 

And it doesn’t end there – once registered, our consultants will provide continuous guidance throughout the admission process – from filling out forms to preparing for interviews. 

So what are you waiting for? Make sure your child gets into top educational institutions today by contacting us now! 

Call +919911907772 or

Simply fill out the form below and hit ‘sign up’ – it’s that easy!

Our experienced counsellors administer standardised and adaptive skills tests during pre-booked appointments to help select each individual’s college, subject, and learning mode. 

Are you and your child stressed out about college admissions?

You’ve heard many horror stories about rejections despite the extra classes taken to prepare for exams. 

Selecting the right course, college, and learning mode continues to be daunting. 

Is there an easier way? Let us help you! 

We understand that each student is unique and needs individualised attention. 

At Think College, we provide superior guidance and counselling services to remove all college application stress. Our experienced counsellors administer standardised and adaptive skills tests during pre-booked appointments to help select each individual’s college, subject, and learning mode. We have been in this field for years and can guarantee maximum returns on your investment through our services.

Through our guidance, you’ll get access to world-class universities with professional support until admission. 

Think College isn’t just a one-time solution – we will guide your child in every step of their academic journey so that they reach their peak potential while maximising their educational opportunities. 

Ready to make things easier? 

Book your appointment with our counsellors today, and let us join forces in helping your child succeed in their education journey!

Know more: Reservation of Seats for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)

Assisting students with disabilities requires an accessible curriculum that addresses diverse preferences, needs, and abilities. Reasonable Accommodation support helps them with flexibility and anticipatory adjustments for students and teachers. 

College students struggle to learn from inaccessible textbooks and lesson plans every day. They can find themselves tired, unable to concentrate in class, and increasingly overwhelmed by their assignments. Moreover, examination time is incredibly challenging for students with disabilities who might be unable to compete on equal terms with their peers due to a lack of reasonable accommodations. 

THINK COLLEGE’s Reasonable Accommodation service ensures that all students – regardless of disability – have a fair and equitable chance to succeed in their studies. We provide modifications and adjustments customised to each student’s specific needs and preferences. 

Our team consists of experienced specialists with expertise in special education and assessment areas who are well-versed in creating an accessible curriculum that meets the needs of any student with disabilities. We also offer one-on-one consultations to ensure personalised support on your journey towards graduation! 

Our goal at THINK COLLEGE is to empower students to reach their highest academic potential through accessible options tailored specifically for them. 

Sign up today for our Reasonable Accommodation services and unlock new possibilities for your future! Contact us now by email or phone for more information – we look forward to hearing from you.

Learn more about Facilities: 


OFFICE MEMORANDUM, Guidelines for conducting written examination for persons with benchmark disabilities by Government of India, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment

Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan)

UGC Guidelines for conducting written examinations for persons with benchmark disabilities 

Delhi University (DU) Guidelines for conducting written examinations for persons with benchmark disabilities

IGNOU-Facilities/benefits for Differently Abled Learners

Serving Students with Disabilities in Distance Education

Our team helps facilitate relationships and negotiations between faculty and students using creative and inclusive research approaches, ensuring a joyful learning experience for college students with disabilities.

Are you worried about your child’s college experience? 

Even with the help of technology, it is difficult for students with disabilities to navigate the complex systems and protocols associated with higher education. This is especially true when they need help accessing or understanding the information provided in traditional classrooms. 

If your child has difficulty accessing lectures physically or mentally, this can lead to poor performance in class and finally cause them to give up on their educational dreams altogether.

That’s why we at THINK COLLEGE offer a unique solution that will enable your child to have a joyful college experience – one in which their needs are fulfilled and accepted. 

Our team of experts works with faculty and student representatives on creative, inclusive research approaches. Through this method, students get all the support they need to focus on achieving their educational goals while enjoying college life! 

We provide personal tutoring, technical assistance, disability rights advocacy services, online forums, and more. All these tools combine to create an accessible environment that ensures a thorough understanding of learning materials and a fair representation of all students’ needs. 

With our assistance, your child can have a stress-free college life! 

To get started today, Sign up for the form below, and one of our representatives will contact you within 72 hours for a preliminary consultation session. Together we will ensure your child gets the most out of their college education!