Think College! Inclusive Higher Education Options

Think College initiative is working hard to increase the number of inclusive higher educational programmes in India to focus on students with a specific profile of academic achievement but a wide range of backgrounds. Students may have learning, intellectual, or developmental disabilities, including (but not limited to) autism, nonverbal learning disabilities, ADHD, cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, or multiple disabilities.

Think College Project has reached five universities and 38 colleges, serving about 300 students with disabilities pursuing higher education. The project provides regular follow-ups, sensitization programs, and assistance with reasonable accommodations.

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Manovikas is an excellent institution that provides specialized and inclusive higher education for individuals needing such support.


Students’ services

Need help finding the right college? Think College can assist you. Our experts provide advice to help you make intelligent decisions at every stage, and we offer reasonable accommodations in study and examination.

Sign up now to start pursuing your dream future.

Consultation for Institutions

Think College Program promotes equal opportunities for students with disabilities by establishing departments, auditing accessibility, implementing policies, and assisting with job placement and campus activities in the Universities and Colleges.

Call us : +91- 9911097772

Need help with inclusive higher education for students with intellectual disabilities?

Our team of expert consultants can assist professionals, families, and students on various issues.

Help Desk

Email/Message our Help Desk, and we’ll connect you with a provider who specialises in your area of inquiry. 

Email: Whatsapp Message: 9540807772