Mashavara 21.0
Career Options in
Social Work and Counselling
through IGNOU’s programme

Dear Sir/Madam,
Manovikas is delighted to have you as a Prime Guest for our Mashavara 20.0 Consultation for the Persons with Intellectual and Developmental disabilities on, Saturday, July 4, 2020, at 3 pm. in India.

We have viewers demand on Career Opportunities in Social Work and Counselling areas we are holding this special Mashavara 21.0. MSWC programme through IGNOU are available in this sector.

The episode features Our Special Expert:

Dr. G. Mahesh
Assistant Professor
School of Social Work

Join Mashavara on ZOOM
Meeting ID: 811 7433 6764
Password: 0407


Mashavara Manovikas is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

f you are unable to access the session, that would mean the session's capacity of 500 seats has already been met. You may please also access the live-stream of Mashavra series on the Manovikas Family Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/manovikas.family

Please submit any of your questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Please mute your mic as you join the Mashavara Studio on ZOOM.
Mashavara series is for ALL so please circulate and join together.

Thank you

You may please visit the site: www.mashavara.live for further information and download the certificate.


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