
Learners who fulfill eligibility requirements can apply directly, on-line, or by posting the complete application along with the requisite documents twice a year. Application deadlines are as follow:

  • 15th April to 15th June
  • 15th Oct to 15th December

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Checklist for Admission Application

  • Admission Application Fee
  • Aadhar Card
  • Certificate in support of educational qualification(s)
  • Certificate for SC/ST/OBC/Disability (whenever required)
  • Disability Unique ID (If any)
  • Student Card dully filled in along with photograph
  • Affix latest passport size photograph 4x5 cm. dully in application form
  • In case of blow poverty line (BPL) student documentary proof

Please read the application carefully and submit with the required documents before deadline.


  • Registration Fee: 500/- (One time)
  • Admission Fee: 5000/- (One time)
  • College Development Fee: 1000/- (One time)
  • Library and Online resources: 500/- (per annuam)
  • Tuition Fee: 30,000/- (per semester)
  • Dress: As per actual

Examination Fees:

Manovikas Institute for Higher Education (MIHE) follows a scientifically designed scheme of evaluation for each programme taken by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU).

Students will have to fill in examination forms with fees, and it is applicable for all Programmes:

  1. Theory Paper. 150/- per Course
  2. Practical Paper. 200/- per Course

The last dates for submitting the examination forms will be publish on the MIHE website as per the schedule of holding the examinations. ‘Examination Form’ available on MIHE website.

Certificate Fee:

The completion of Programme Certificate will be awarded by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). The FMS (Final Mark Sheet) and the PC (Provisional Certificate) will be received by IGNOU after receipt of the certificate fee (@ 350/-). The certificate fee in respect of all the successful students has to be sent to the IGNOU.

Mode of Payments:

The fees are payable only in favor of ‘MANOVIKAS INSTITUTE FOR HIGHER EDUCATION’

  1. Cash payments can be done only at the reception counter and cash receipts should be preserved until certification is received.
  2. Local cheque of Delhi from any RBI listed Bank
  3. The Draft should be payable at Delhi
  4. The Bank Transfer to Punjab National Bank Account No. 4235000100253744 and please acknowledge the payment slip with the seal of Bank.
  5. Learners or parents/guardians should ask for a receipt for any fees paid to Manovikas Community College at the reception counter.

Refund of Fees:

Fees, once paid, will not be refunded under any circumstances. It is also not adjustable against any other programme at MIHE. However if Manovikas Institute for Higher Education denies admission or candidates are found unsuitable for the applied programme, tuition fees will be refunded after deducting the registration fees through the A/C payee cheque in favour of Candidate or their Guardian’s Name.

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