School Empowerment Programme (SEP)

Project slogan:- Get More Skills


What is SEP?

School Empowerment Programme (SEP) is designed for mainstream schools’ and inclusive schools’ management, administrators, teachers, care takers, parents, students etc. SEP is conducted through short term training, workshops and conferences on inclusive education. The ultimate vision for inclusive education systems is to ensure that all learners of any age are provided with meaningful, high-quality educational opportunities in their local community, friends and peergroup.

SEP made a number of specific recommendations in terms of both wider policy and specific areas focused on increasing teachers’ capacity and capability for inclusive practice 


Why is SEP?

SEP is made to prepare all learners with disability for a globalised society and to facilitate the development of inclusive education systems fit for the demands of the 21st century.


  1. To support the creation of a global knowledge base.
  • To provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and learning
  • To strengthen the practice-policy-research connections
  • To inform teacher education institutions to rethink the way teachers are trained
  • To inform policy dialogue in light of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.
  1. To recognize the schools, who are interested and in need to empower their selves about disability and inclusion
  2. To develop the relationship between the school for future programs and scheduling.
  3. To organize the training program.
  4. To make them interested in listen and acceptable to people with disability and right to education and inclusion.
  5. To make the training program successful, so that they willing to attend and learn in more training programme.
  6. To provide good resources and resource person.

Topics of SEP

Some of the topics of SEP are:-

  • Inclusive Education
  • Disability Orientations
  • Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
  • Positive Behavior Support
  • Relationships and Sexuality Education
  • Art Therapy Workshop
  • Multiple Intelligence Strategies
  • Rubric Plan
  • Self Esteem Development
  • Growing and developing healthy relationship

Who can join SEP?

SEP can be joined by:-

  • Mainstream/ Inclusive schools’ management
  • Administrators of mainstream or inclusive schools
  • Mainstream teachers
  • Special educators
  • Care takers
  • Parents

How SEP works?

SEP works by conducting:-

  • Short term training programme
  • Workshops
  • Conferences
  • One to One


Whom to Contact for SEP

Mrs. Sangeeta

Manovikas Charitable Society

60A, Radhey Puri Extn-I, Delhi-110051,

Mobile No. 9911107772, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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