

Internal Assessment

The Continuous internal assessment will be done on-the-spot by the faculty members during the semesters for Core, Elective, and Foundation courses through the methods as indicated below:–


  • Assignment
  • Attendance has to be 80%
  • Classroom participation
  • Verbal Expressions /Presentations and Seminar
  • Internal Examination etc.,

There are the following instructions for internal assessment

  • Marks of internal assessment will be accumulated in final result
  • Without internal marks NO external examination for course/s
  • 50% Marks are minimum passing marks in internal assessment
  • The assignment must be received before specified Time line to accumulate the marks in final result.
  • If the learner miss the time line than they will submit the assignment of next semester
  • Assignment should be submitted in the Institute and learners should keep acknowledgment slip till final result
  • The learners need to read the assignment guideline as provided on the website

External Examination

The Term end External Examination will be conducted twice in a year

  1. In the month of June
  2. In the month of December

Examination Date Sheet: Examination date sheet (Schedule which indicates the date and time of examination for each course) is published on MIHE web and Notice Board in advance.

Eligibility for Examination

To be eligible to appear at the Term-end Examination in any course, learners are required to fulfill the following three conditions.

  1. Only in the courses they have selected at the time of admission.
  2. Learners should complete the submission of assignments for the respective course.
  3. They should submit the examination form and fees in time.

Examination Form: It is an essential pre-requisite for you to submit the Examination Form for taking examination in any course. The examination forms are available at MIHE office and learners may also download from INTERNET.

Learners have to pay Rs. 150/- per course for the term-end examinations.

The filled in examination form is to be submitted to the Principal, Manovikas Institute of Higher Education.  The last dates for submission of examination forms also published with the notification.

Examination Centre

The MIHE is normally the examination center, the address is as below:

Manovikas Institute of Higher Education

60A Radhey Puri-I, Delhi - 110051


Written Examination

Written examinations will be conducted for Core, Elective, and Foundation Course. The question papers will be set in Hindi and English languages, the examinee has liberty to ask for more clarification of questions during the examination and the Centre superintendent will arrange the facility for same. The examinee has privilege to right the answer of the question in their own language. The questions will be short answer type and application oriented.

The question will be designed on the basis of number of credits in the course. The basic guideline for setting the question is based on unit credit system. One credit unit has the weightage of 15 marks and the maximum time, without accommodation, to write the answer is 30 minutes. The 15 marks for 1 credit which will be divided   into following pattern of question

10 marks are for objective type of questions which includes true/false, yes/no, fill in the blanks, multiple choice questions and 5 Marks for writing the subjective answer of the questions.

The examination pattern may be modified as per the need of the learners and content of courses.

The Examination accommodation for special case will be provided to the examinee with disability during the examination on prior information and approval from the Principal of the community Institute. The examination accommodation guide is available.

Project/Practical Examination

Projects/ Practical Courses will have the following components 

  • Observation Report
  • Project Report
  • Intervention Plan
  • Teaching Learning Innovative Aids
  • Presentation
  • Proposal
  • Field Work Report etc.

The internal marks on project or practical examination will be included only after submission of project or practical report before due date.

The external examination will include in the following points for marking, where 1 credit is equal to 15 external marks in the following areas as indicated as below:

  • Face-to- face viva-voce
  • Demonstration
  • Practical methodology writing etc.

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