


Project Slogan:- Think College

Project Coverage:

Manovikas Institute for Higher Education (MANVIK) is one of the first institutions in India exploring opportunities for higher and vocational skills and knowledge for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Presently MANVIK catering students from PAN India having its two branches in East Delhi and Manvik at West Delhi.

What is MANVIK?

MANVIK runs Certificate and Diploma courses under the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) of Govt. of India under National Skill action plan. MANVIK is the training partner/service provider, study center and accredited institution of AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education), SCPwD (Skill Council for Person with Disabilities), IGNOU (Indira Gandhi National Open University), NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling), RCI (Rehabilitation Counsil of India) , CBSE (Central Board for Secondary Education), NSDC (National Skill Development Council) for imparting skill and knowledge and enhancing employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

MANVIK’s programme is more significant for persons with disabilities and after completion of course they gain the employments which lead them towards independent living and improving the quality of life. 

Why is MANVIK?

MANVIK was started with the conviction that all students should have access to post-secondary education irrespective of their physical and intellectual ability.

The MANVIK is has been brining a paradigm shift to think college option for the persons with intellectual disabilities and developmentally delayed irrespective of their limitation/s in transition from school to adulthood and work.

Encouraging independence through education: supporting employable skills.

Overall objective of MANVIK

Support the attainment of knowledge and skills among all students, particularly students with intellectual disabilities and provide opportunities for students with intellectual disabilities to be fully employed and able to enjoy more fulfilled and independent lives.

Objectives of MANVIK: 

  1. Provide effective education for all students particularly students with intellectual disabilities requiring independent and employable skills.
  2. Promote employment opportunities for college students with intellectual disabilities through greater collaboration with employers and prospective employers.

 Activity-1: Improving capacity

  1. Plan, identify resources and recognise the skills and experience required for an outstanding Manovikas education service.
  2. Employ appropriately qualified and experienced staff to provide teaching for all students, including students with disabilities studying soft skills, basic computer, retail, hospitality, basic business and office skills.
  3. Provide resources, including books and educational equipment, to support students’ knowledge and understanding and enable teachers to undertake their roles and responsibilities.
  4. Support regular (internal and external) training courses to provide curriculum development for teaching staff and ensure effective monitoring and reporting of student progress.
  5. Arrange forums on specific intellectual disability issues for staff, Board and members of Manovikas, civil society organisations, teachers from mainstream schools and interested parents and employers.
  6. Support a student committee to work with the staff for the good of the Institute of Further Education.
  7. Organise an annual conference for people with intellectual disabilities.

Activity-2: Increased numbers of students with effective employable skills

  1. Produce and implement a detailed curriculum to support the college’s new syllabus.
  2. Actively market the college’s education facilities for students with intellectual disabilities.

Activity-3: Increased numbers of students with intellectual disabilities in full time salaried employment.

  1. Establish a small working group to network with past and prospective employers and identify employment opportunities and employer needs.
  2. Actively market the potential of students with intellectual disabilities to possible employees.
  3. Support employers to provide internships for students, monitor student progress and encourage employers to take on the students as employees.
  4. Keep up to date records of potential, past and current employers.

Task 1: To organize and develop the curriculum based on NSQF/Assessing Body.

  • Learners’ choice to participate and to acquire skill, knowledge also changing attitude is important.
  • Preparing practical and theoretical curriculums for learners by stimulating and recalling their prior learning through lab based activity and multimedia use.
  • The evaluation of pre, pro and post teaching and learning performance should be designed.

Task 2: To construct the learning process based on curriculum.

  • Initiating internal process of expectancy of skill requirements and motivate the learner to acquire the skill through various stimulatory and activity based performances.
  • Content of curricula must be chunked and organized meaningfully to explain and present various method and required learning aids.
  • Activity must consider the learners’ ability to perform based on prior knowledge and gaining the new information
  • Learning process must be interactive, use of multimedia, in activity based environment with proper sitting arrangements to practice the new skills or behaviors.
  • Provide specific and immediate feedback of their performance with reinforcement.
  • The flowchart and material related to activity/ies for teaching and learning including gaining the feedback of learners and its content should be explained in the language in which learners can understand.

Task 3:  To prepare learners for the job

  • The job analysis and list of jobs for the learners is essential.
  • Job matching must be done by the job coach.
  • Learners must practice core job skills, understand the job process, job related work behavior under the supervision of job coach, expert and teacher.
  • Training in Communication skills required in job environment to elicit the correct understanding of job and employment.
  • Social skills training and its practices for employment setting
  • Prepare, document and place on the jobsite internship to enhancing, retention and transfer of skills also ensure a sustainable of these skills and knowledge.
  • Evaluation of the internship/on jobsite training, by learners and supervisors using feedback form.
  • Preparing the resume/bio data/profile along with required documents.
  • Training of job interview skills to attempt the interview, internship.
  • Apply for the job along with the certificate of compilation of the programme.
  • Continue the parents support and counseling
  • Regular Follow-ups with employers, parents and learners- (Weekly@3months, Fortnightly@3months and monthly@6months)
  • Report production


The overall outcome expected to provide an excellent education service for all its students.

The Indicators

  1. A qualified and experienced staff enabling upgraded education services.
  2. Increased numbers of students with effective employable skills in retail, hospitality, business and office assistance.
  • More students with intellectual disabilities in full time salaried employment.
  1. Increased numbers of students studying intellectual disabilities.
  2. Increased numbers of students studying intellectual disabilities using Manovikas to gain practical knowledge and skills.
  3. Increased numbers of CBR beneficiaries in employment.
  • Manovikas becomes recognised as the Centre for Intellectual Disability catering for students with intellectual disabilities and students studying intellectual disabilities.

Important Information:

Courses offered with minimum and maximum duration:-

  1. Hospitality Training
  • Food and Beverages
  • House Keeping
  • Room Attendant
  1. Retail Training
  • Sales Associate.
  1. IT  training
  • Data Entry Operator
  • Customer Relationship Management(CRM)- Non-voice
  • IT Help Desk

Duration of the Programme:

  • Certificate programme having minimum duration of six months and maximum of two years. Diploma programme is offered for minimum one year and maximum of three years duration.

Who can join MANVIK:

MANVIK are available to the students who are:-

  • Adult of Pan India
  • have a disability such as:
  • Intellectual disability (Mental Retardation)
  • Autism
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Multiple Disabilities


Programmes are designed for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities including persons with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, specific learning disability/slow learners. May require a complete assessment of the applicant’s cognitive process, behavioural profile, multiple intelligence and aptitude.


16 to 35 years

Pre-requisite skills:

 Functional literacy, on the scale of multiple intelligence applicants should score 50% in any two areas

  1. Logical Mathematics, 2. Interpersonal, 3. Linguistic, 4. Bodily kinesthetic.

Internship and Job placement:

During the programme students will get the opportunities of internship and job placement at various industries, hotels, restaurants, shopping malls, offices, etc.

Certification of MANVIK:

Trainings are offered in corresponding to the National Occupational Standards under Skill Councils and certifications shall be provided after the third party evaluation.

Worried about fees? Students who are under the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) will receive 100% free ship, other students will also receive the opportunity of concession in programme fees on merit basis.


Whom to Contact to Enrol in Manvik

Mr. Muninder Singh


B-98, Pushpanjali Enclave, Pitampura, Delhi – 110034

Mobile No. 9911107772, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Manovikas School for Inclusion towards Inclusion 

Project slogan:- Mainstreaming children with disabilities


What is MSI?               

MSI is providing primary education to the children with disability, prepare them for inclusion and include them in the mainstream school.


NIOS Vocational Courses


Accredited Vocational Institution- AVI990263

The objectives of the Vocational Education Programme of NIOS is to meet the need for skilled and middle-level manpower for the growing sectors of economy, both organized and unorganized. The range of Vocational Education courses has been expanding over the years depending upon needs of learners and market demands.


Secondary Education


About NIOS

The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) formerly known as National Open School (NOS) was established in November, 1989 as an autonomous organisation in pursuance of National Policy on Education 1986 by the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India. NIOS is providing a number of Vocational, Life Enrichment and community oriented courses besides General and Academic Courses at Secondary and Senior Secondary level. It also offers Elementary level Courses through its Open Basic Education Programmes (OBE).Government of India through a  gazette notification vested NIOS with the authority to examine and certify learners registered with it up to pre degree level courses whether Academic, Technical or Vocational. Association of Indian Universities, vide letter No . EV/11(354)/91/ 25 July, 1991 issued Equivalence of Senior Secondary Certificate Examination of NIOS. Know more about NIOS


Project Name:- Manovikas School Inclusion (MSI)

Project slogan:- Open door for higher education


What is MSI?               

MSI is providing the opportunities to gain education from primary to senior secondary level regardless of their age, sex, geographical location, including children with intellectually disability, autism, cerebral palsy, multiple disabilities and developmentally delayed, school dropouts, either socially marginalized or belonging to economically weaker section.


Partners in support and recognition

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