I Support Inclusion (ISI)

Project Slogan:- Open Doors Open Mind


What is ISI?

I support Inclusion is a revolution which spread mass awareness about the disability. It opens the mind of the societydue to thatsociety opens the door for inclusion for the person with disability. It also maintain the civil rights issue recognizing the rights that People with Disability deserve.


Why is ISI?

ISI creates understanding on disability with willingly participating and ready to responding in society.


  1. To create understanding about the disability in the society.
  • Organize the roadshows, seminars, conferences, various activitiesetc in the society for promoting inclusion.
  • Find the appropriate place where everyone is willingly participate with satisfaction.
  1. To give cooperation/support to the projects who work for inclusion.
  • Meet with the school counsellor or parents.
  • Tell them about inclusion in Right To Education act, 2009 (RTE).
  • Support the children with intellectual and developmental delay for inclusion
  1. To make documentary film on disability
  • Viral these on various social networking sites
  • Show in multiplex theatres in break.

Who can join ISI?

ISI can be joined by:-

  • Mainstream Schools
  • NGOs who work for the Person with Disabilities
  • Civil Society

How ISI works?

ISI works by:

  • Direct communicating
  • By doing awareness programmes, seminars, conferences and various activities.

Needs of project:

  • PR Team
  • Event management team.
  • Place for programmes.
  • Sponsors or donors.
  • Media
  • Documentary film makers.

Whom to Contact for programme

Mr. Rishi Buttan

Manovikas Charitable Society 

60A, Radhey Puri Extn-I, Delhi-110051,

Mobile No. 9911107772, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Partners in support and recognition

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