Bliss of Life (BOL)

Project slogan:- Anandmay jeevan


What is BOL?

BOL, a quality of life programme is a new & innovative project has been undertaken by Manovikas Charitable society. It aims to provide a safe, stimulating & creative day centre for young people & adults in the community with severe & multiple disability that are unlikely to benefit from further educational intervention or training programmes .

Why is BOL?

BOL is aims to provide a safe, stimulating and creative day centre for young people and adults in the community with sever and multiple disabilities that are unlikely to benefit from further educational intervention or training programmes.


Provide exemplary care and welfare for people with intellectual disabilities by establishing an appropriately equipped and staffed day centres which become examples of the way India should be supporting its people with intellectual disabilities.

  1. To make student independent in grooming and ADL
  2. To train students in craft activity
  3. To train students in any skill and send them into hospitality training
  4. To give yoga training to the student so that their hyper activity can be reduce

Action plan:

Activity-1:- Five day centres established for the care and support of people with severe intellectual disabilities.

  1. Research and assess current information on care and support for people with severe learning disabilities.
  2. Plan and identify the needs and resources (including funding, building features, staffing, equipment and transport) required to establish two day centres.
  3. Identify funding and suitable premises for two day centres. (One centre could be part of the relocated hostel building).
  4. Provide resources and equipment to aid staff to undertake their roles and responsibilities..
  5. Open the day centres.
  6. Market the day centres to enable more people with severe intellectual disabilities to receive care, support and companionship and to attract funding.

Activity-2:-  Excellent care facilities available at the day centres

  1. Plan and identifying the skills and experience required to provide quality facilities in establish five day centres.
  2. Employ a full time qualified care and welfare manager with support from experienced and trained staff to manage and supervise the around the clock and staff the day centres six days a week.
  3. Provide adequate equipment, resources and technical support to enable the staff to implement effective care management systems for people with severe intellectual disabilities.
  4. Support (internal and external) training courses to update staff knowledge and skills about current care practices (including hygiene, first aid, fire and disaster drill) and to ensure all staff are working to the same high standards.
  5. Organise forums on specific intellectual disability care issues for staff, the board and members of Manovikas, civil society organisations, carers in the community and families.
  6. Encourage college students studying intellectual disabilities to gain practical experience volunteering in the hostel and care centres. These activities will provide extra stimulus for students and care home users and extra support for staff.

Who can join BOL?

BOL can be join by:-

  • Children with severe and profound Intellectual disabilities.
  • Multiple Disabilities

At BOL who serve you:

  • Assessment of an individual
  • Providing recreational activities
  • Supported staff
  • Child care providers
  • Individual preferences
  • Children’s mental health agencies
  • Child specialist
  • Availability of different types of activities such as: Yoga, Meditation, Exercise, Fine and gross motor activities.


Whom to Contact for Admission:

Mrs. Indira Alok

Manovikas Charitable Society

60A, Radhey Puri Extn-I, Delhi-110051

Mobile No. 9911107772  Email: indiraThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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