Make my choice (MMC)

Project slogan:- My life my choice


What is MMC?

MMC workshops being conducted under the Manovikas Institute in India. MMC is focused on helping disabled people learning to make choices and how to choose the best for themselves with their workshops funded by charities and supported by volunteers from around India.

Mentally challenged people often don’t get taken seriously when they want to make a choice for themselves. This is certainly wrong but accepted in the society like a norm because people believe that those with disabilities rarely have the sight and wisdom to make a beneficial choice for themselves. This is exactly what the Make My Choice workshops being conducted under the banner of Manovikas in India seek to change for people with disabilities.

The Make My Choice series of workshops have already brought about a great change in the lives of hundreds of disabled people

Why is MMC?

MMC encouraged the disabled people to develop his/her insight and get skills to make their own choices and have enlightened them with an insight to make the best choices for themselves.

The main motto of these workshops is to develop more skills in people with disabilities so that they can live a life that is somewhat closer to a normal life with normal choices.


 1 :- To create awareness.

  • Make society aware about disability by using media, do play, nukad natak etc. to gain attention of the society and enhance their retention and take their feedback.
  • Spread awareness in society by using Media, pamphlets, progress rate card, videos, video player etc.
  • Hire experts for preparing stakeholders for doing nukad natak, play etc. for presenting the stimulus.
  • Presenting the stimulation and material by using resources like team for play, space, certification, public , pamphlate, media, projectors, laptop/computer, money and hire experts to to present them.

 2 :- To find the students with disability Students with disability.

  • Hire team to gain attention, enhance retention and provide feedback for getting the students with disability by involve internal and external team.
  • Gain attention of the students with disability and enhance retention to create awareness about their choice by the team to spread awareness.

3 :- To identify the choice of the students with disability.

  • Interview of the child is done to know the choices of the students with disability
  • Interview of the parents and teachers to identify the likes and dislikes of the students with disability.
  • Observe the child to know the interest students with disability.

4 :- To provide quality curriculum.

  • A good quality of curriculum which is time efficient, easy to learn, students with disability appropriate, attractive or joyful, pictorial, simple story to gain attention and provide feedback.
  • For more practical provide practical lab and instruments to present the stimulus.
  • To present stimulus include smart classes in the curriculum by the use of projector, computer or laptop.
  • Hire experts to gain attention of the students with disability and implementation of curriculum which approach to inclusion.
  • Resources like pictures, videos, practical room, resource room practical instruments should be appropriate to present the stimulation.

How MMC works?

  • Assess the student with disability
  • Identify the choice of the student with disability.

Need of MMC:-

  • Students with disability need assessment and programme plan.
  • Need of Research plan and publication strategy for awareness.
  • For a Quality of curriculum stakeholder need assessment, program plan, research plan and instructional design.


Statement of MMC :-

  • Listen about the interest of the students with disability.
  • Develop different choice level of individual students with disability.
  • Students with disability choose their employable skills.
  • Students with disability ready to go to inclusive school.
  • Debate on the advantages and disadvantages of students with disability’s choice work.
  • Child/students with disability will start responding for their future.
  • Parent support their child.
  • Students with disability devote their participation in doing their work of choice.
  • Students with disability start pursuing about themselves.
  • Students with disability able to seek in different dimensions.
  • Students with disability able to follow the rules.
  • Parent of students with disability will secure about his life.
  • Society will able to accept and value them.
  • Get opportunity among other siblings.
  • Students with disability will start involving in families.
  • After going to the inclusion students with disability able to adjust in between peer group.
  • Students with disability’s life will become joyful and happiness.


Whom to Contact for workshop

Mrs. Sangeeta

Manovikas Charitable Society

60A, Radhey Puri Extn-I, Delhi-110051,

Mobile No. 9911107772, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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