Skill Knowledge Programme

Project Slogan:- Employable Skill Development


What is SKP?

SKP bridge skill gap and enables preparation of youth for a vocation of their choice

SKP - provided under the National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) - organizes qualifications according to a series of levels of knowledge, skills and aptitude.

SKP supports students from Class IX-XII to opt for vocational subjects in place of generic subjects to impart the following Vocational Courses, to Special Children (Differently Abled), of the affiliated schools of the CBSE, in Delhi region.

Why is SKP?

SKP was started with the conviction that all students should have access to post-secondary education irrespective of their physical and intellectual ability.


  • To illustrate the CBSE syllabus and curriculuam.
  • To simplify the CBSE study material as per need
  • To apply the program as per scheduled (theory and practical) with define visually and auditory methods
  • To assess the program
  • To Solve the problems of the Children with Special Need
  • To develop good communication skills

SKP offered Courses:-

Retail, Tourism and Hospitality, Information Technology, Health and Beauty.

Who can join SKP:

SKP are available to the students who are:-

  • Schools of Pan India
  • Inclusive or Integrated schools who have childrens of disability such as:
  • Intellectual disability (Mental Retardation)
  • Autism
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Multiple Disabilities


Programmes are designed for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities including persons with autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation, multiple disabilities, specific learning disability/slow learners. May require a complete assessment of the applicant’s cognitive process, behavioural profile, multiple intelligence and aptitude.


Pre-requisite skills:

 Functional literacy, on the scale of multiple intelligence applicants should score 50% in any two areas

  1. Logical Mathematics, 2. Interpersonal, 3. Linguistic, 4. Bodily kinesthetic.


Against approximately 15 million per annum new entrants to the workforce, the existing training capacity is approximately 3 million per annum. Additionally a large number close to 200 Million who are classes IX, X, XI or XII drop out need Vocational skills to be employable. This number is likely to increase to 500 Million by 2020.

SKP statistics

  • Schools that have started SKP: 10
  • Schools that are involved in the process: 650
  • Students enrolled under SKP: 35
  • Students under assessment to join SKP: 12
  • Teachers and parents orientation for SKP: 37
  • Guest and Full Time Training Faculty engaged: 13
  • Students under job training : 6


Whom to Contact for Admission:

Mrs. Sangeeta

Manovikas Charitable Society

60A, Radhey Puri Extn-I, Delhi-110051

Mobile No. 9911107772, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mr. Muniender Singh


B-98, Pushpanjali Enclave, Pitampura, Delhi – 110034

Mobile: 9868807772, Email: mThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.       


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