Tortoise Activity
The body/mind becomes like a tortoise, which can extend its limbs when necessary, or retreat into the protection of its hard covering shell when threatened.
The limbs are symbolic of external senses, which should be externalized when necessary, but which at our command, can be internalized and unaffected by external happenings of the world.
The exercise will help to understand cosmology (universe as totality) as:
Undisturbed am I, undisturbed is my soul, undisturbed mine eye, undisturbed mine ear, undisturbed is mine in-breathing, undisturbed mine out-breathing, undisturbed my diffusive breath, undisturbed the whole of me.
यह अभ्यास ब्रह्मांड विज्ञान (ब्रह्मांड को समग्रता के रूप में) को समझने में मदद करेगा: अविचल हूँ मैं, अविचलित है मेरी आत्मा, अबाधित मेरी आंख, अबाधित मेरा कान, अबाधित मेरा श्वास है, अबाधित मेरा श्वास बाहर है, मेरी विसरित सांसों को अबाधित किया, मुझे पूरी तरह से अस्त-व्यस्त कर दिया।