Presentation Criteria

During the Paper Presentation we suggest some criteria for the presenters as a key indicators of quality experience for the audience, the indicators are Content, Coherence, Organization, Creativity, Speaking skills, Balance between speakers, Timeliness, Question responsiveness
Your presentation must start with a delivery of key conclusions and recommendations. It is not a recapitulation of your entire analysis. The subsequent parts of your presentation should clearly lead the audience to understand how you arrived at your conclusions and recommendations. Address key implementation actions, how you would measure the effectiveness of your recommendations and implementation. Conclude your presentation with a recap of your recommendations and the key points that led you to make these recommendations.
You have a clearly developed message that flows naturally from your presentation. The transitions are smooth. The presentation is succinct and not choppy.
Follow the format decided by the panel. Introduce your team and the agenda you will follow. Provide handouts to the audience prior to beginning your presentation. Indicate when you would like to take questions.
Although Manovikas has given a format for the presentation and requires the use of PowerPoint, you can add originality to the presentation to capture and hold the audience’s attention. You can also go too far in your creativity. If your presentation uses annoying or distracting sounds, for example, it negatively impacts creativity.
Speaking skills
This criteria include poise, clear articulation, proper volume, steady rate, good posture, eye contact, enthusiasm, and confidence. The speakers do not read (e.g., note cards, read the projector screen).
Balance between speakers
Each member of the team should participate equally in the presentation. This includes responding to questions.
You have 8 minutes to make your presentation. Please take 5-6 minutes to present your topic and 2-3 minutes for quotations, clarifications and suggestions from the audience regarding your paper or poster.
Question responsiveness
This criterion pertains to your team’s ability to anticipate questions from the audience and to address the questions that they raise. You do not necessarily have to be able to answer every question. You should be able to understand and, if necessary, indicate that you need to conduct additional analysis.