Inclusive Higher Education

for Persons with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilites (PIDD)

With legislation and policy implementation through the RPD Act 2016, postsecondary education has become more available to those with intellectual disabilities and developmental disabilities (IDD). Manovikas Institute for Higher Education (MIHE) wishes to provide high-grade inclusive advanced studies through their ‘Think College’ project, which offers college-level programmes adapted to personal needs.

Persons with disabilities have often been among the most sidelined communities in society and postgraduate/higher education. However, within the last two decades, more comprehensive educational activities have been established domestically and internationally for this population of classmates.

The Think College project from MIHE aims to present necessary help for those hunting for a modified college experience as part of the academic journey for PIDD participants.

Think College project brings a specialised teaching institution that provides extensive and customised tuition to those with Intellectually Disabling Diseases (IDD). The University Grant Commission (UGC) accepted their suggestions concerning Higher Education dedicated the persons with IDD.

This curriculum furnishes multiple focuses, including language development, socialisation and motor skill development, to supplement individuals’ strengths and help them reach success throughout their future course of action.

Inclusive education has been proven a pertinent tactic when providing higher education accommodation for disabled persons; even so, implementation still leaves much to be desired in these circumstances by teachers and students alike. Arguably, the lack of curricular preparation forces disabled students into difficulty when embarking on university life.

These concerns have been addressed head-on under the NEP 2020: better access has been devoted expressly for Socially, and Economically Disadvantaged Groups(SEDGs)- notably Intellectual and Developmental Disability included.

Problems arise where students grapple with deficits when having difficulty engaging in oral presentations, thereby requiring additional backing if they decide later on to pursue higher education further down their academic path and career planning roads by following the University Grant Commission’s propositions of developing Comprehensive Accessibility Guidelines and Standards for Higher Education Institutions and Universities, like:

  • Allowing students to focus on portions or stands out parts from topics/plans rather than attempting entire concepts altogether.
  • Word processors offering spell-checking facilities & switch user-switching systems giving helpful verbal hints. 
  • We establish transition holdups during timetabling sessions ─ Providing options & diversity when settling on projects. 
  • Organising pauses during study classes if required

These are just a few examples which already see their merit among learners with disability preferences ever-growing every day, thanks partly to the insight of the Manovikas Family’s commitment to this matter!

The Manovikas Family is devoted to providing top-quality instruction, testing, and study materials explicitly designed around each individual while considering various comprehension perceptions and physical or mental restraints.

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Saath Saath

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