डॉ आलोक कुमार “भुवन” www.alokbhuwan.org गाँव के कोने में बनी एक छोटी-सी गली में रहने वाला रोहन, एक बौद्धिक और विकासात्मक दिव्यांग (IDD) है। उसकी उम्र चौदह साल है। उसके परिवार में उसकी माँ, पिताजी, और एक बड़ी बहन रहती …
We are overjoyed to honor Aanchal’s incredible accomplishment at the recent Special Olympics Bharat. A devoted badminton enthusiast, Aanchal graced the court and astounded everyone with her skill and determination. Her unshakable concentration and tireless training resulted in a well-earned …
On a pleasant evening in September 2024, the city of Delhi witnessed a remarkable event that aimed to improve the overall welfare of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The Manovikas Charitable Society spearheaded this initiative by organizing an …
Khushboo, a once shy and hesitant individual, has ventured into the unknown and flown – quite literally! In a daring trip to Rishikesh, she overcame her fears and soared through the skies with a thrilling paragliding experience. This incredible journey …
Manovikas recently hosted a highly-anticipated workshop over the course of three days, with a primary focus on Assessing Self-Determination Skills and Establishing Self-Advocacy Programs. The event featured a diverse panel of five self-advocates, each bringing their unique perspectives and experiences …