Sahil Singh Superstar of WDSD-2022 Sahil Singh is a young boy with Down syndrome. He has grown up in Lucknow and studied in Study Hall School to become a smart, confident and affectionate person. He loves to sing, dance and …
Equal, opportunity, policy, EOP, Persons with Disabilities (PwDS),
Reasonable accommodations
Government establishment and private establishment, companies, institutions, schools colleges, universities, hospitals, local authorities, NGOs and all public facilities and services.
International Participants
Govt. Representative
Company Representative
Institutional Representative
CRE Participants
Students and others
International Participants: Any person outside from India.
Govt. Establishments: Ministries, State Govts., Departments, National and State Institutions, Local Govt., Banks, Policy Makers, Directors, Recruiters, Grievance Redressal Officers etc.
Companies: Limited Companies, Private Companies, Public Companies, One Person Companies Associate Companies, Government Companies, Foreign Companies, Charitable Companies, Public Financial Institutions, Start-up and Entrepreneur, CEO/Directors, Secretary, HR Managers, Liaison Officer, Grievance Redressal Officer
Institutions: University, College, Schools, Training Centers, Hospitals, NGOs etc.
Registrar, Principal and College/School Staff, University Staff, Board Members, HR Officers, Grievance Redressal Officers etc.
CRE Participants: Continuing Rehabilitation Education (CRE): Only for Candidates who wish to upgrade the knowledge and skills of in-service and practicing rehabilitation professionals/personnel, registered with the RCI u/s 19 of the RCI Act of 1992.RCI registered professional or personnel like Special Educators, Therapist, Rehabilitation Social Workers, Rehabilitation Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapist, Audiologist, Counsellor, Orthotists and Prosthetics etc. who are seeking 30 CRE points.
Open Category: Any individual, students, Teacher, Volunteers, Parent/Sibling of the child with a disability or persons with disabilities interested in EOP.
Person with disability, SPECIFIED DISABILITY, Physical disability, Locomotor disability, leprosy cured person, cerebral palsy, dwarfism, muscular dystrophy, acid attack victims, Visual impairment, blindness, low-vision, Hearing impairment, deaf, hard of hearing, speech and language disability, Intellectual disability, specific learning disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, Mental behaviour, mental illness, chronic neurological conditions. multiple sclerosis, parkinson’s disease, Blood disorder, haemophilia, thalassemia, sickle cell disease, Multiple Disabilities,