Dr. Himangshu Das
National Institute for the Empowerment of Persons with Visual Disabilities (Divyangjan),
(Under Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India)
Ph.D – Special Education – MJP Rohilkhand University
M.A. – English – Mahatma Gandhi University
M.Sc. – Psychology – Tamilnadu Open University
M.Ed. Special Education – Kurukshetra University
B.M.R. – Bachelor in Mental Retardation – NIMH
Schooling from SAINIK School, Goalpara, Assam
Former Director of National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Multiple Disabilities(Divyangjan) (NIEPMD, Chennai) and Former Director Incharge of National Institute for Empowerment of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities (Divyangjan) (NIEPID, Secunderabad); under the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (Government of India).
Former Executive Director and Associate Professor of SASR – a civil society organization
and RCI accredited teacher training institute for Intellectual Impairment, ASD and Cerebral Palsy.
To his credit, he was instrumental in establishing state level composite Regional Centres for PwDs at Kerala, Maharashtra, Andaman, Uttar Pradesh and Sikkim.
He also served as a visiting faculty at Roehampton University (London, UK) and Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic); and has visited extensively across Europe.
He brings with him over 22 years of extensive experience in the field of disability rehabilitation, from clinical, administrative, policy-level and academic perspectives. He plays a significant role for various committees of RCI (Govt. of India) and Department of Empowerment of Persons
with Disabilities (DEPwD under MSJ&E, Govt. of India) in the areas of Curriculum Development, Project, Resources Development, Schemes, Policies, R&D etc. He has a comprehensive proficiency at government and non-government, grass-root and higher-level of management for both academic and service delivery aspects of disability rehabilitation. With over hundreds of Keynote addresses in National & International seminars, Workshops, Conferences and several R&D based publications as author and editor; he most certainly is a decorated professional in HRD for the disability sector. Dr.Das is passionately driven for empowerment, inclusion, quality of life and empathetic services for individuals with special needs.